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Survey on MLSD, XLL, and Tools

This page contains additional information on our survey of professional developets regarding multi-language software development (MLSD), cross-language linking (XLL), and accompanying tools.

The full questionnaire (in English) is available as a PDF file. The layout roughly corresponds to the one presented to respondents. Each marked "page" in the PDF corresponds to one "step" in the web-based questionnaire.

The full data set as downloaded from SoSciSurvey can be inspected as well. This version of the CSV has already been properly coded (in particular regarding the questions on XLL). A cumulative overview of the cross-language link pairs can also be found in these three CSV files: GPL/DSL, GPL/GPL, and DSL/DSL pairs.

Finally, we have used an R script for the descriptive statistical analysis including the generation of plots, and a short Java program for generating the link pair statistics above from the full data set (the Java class required two libraries: Apache Commons Lang and SuperCSV).

We are situated at LMU University in Munich, Germany. Please contact Dr. Philip Mayer for more information.